**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Thursday, April 11, 2013

An Answer to Our Prayers

When we found out our lil man had something called HLHS we were overwhelmed for many reasons, but one of those reasons were the fact is was SOOOO rare. Anyone we talked to knew nothing about it and everything online was worse case scenario, so it only made things worse thinking what really could happen to our lil guy. My old young woman's president and friend had a little boy born with heart problems about 10 years ago and spent many days at PCH, so I finally got the guts to call her just to ask her a little more about Primary's and heart surgery. When I began to tell her what we had just found out about our lil boy she started to cry and explained it was the EXACT same thing her lil' boy Jaxsten had. This was bittersweet for me. For 1. I know how much pain and suffering they went through with Jax, still do at times. 2. I know they've had close calls of losing Jax. 3- On the bright side it was SOOO nice having someone I trusted, loved, and felt comfortable with know exactly what we were going through. She cried and cried with me for a long time on the phone and also explained a lot of helpful things. Later that evening her husband, her in-laws, and herself took the time to come out and talk with my family. I'll be honest IT WAS HARD, REAL HARD but I feel like I am more prepared than if I hadn't have had The Shepherd Family in our lives and go through this once before.

Tammy has truly been an answer to prayers. She has shared so much with me and been so good to constantly text and call just to let us know she is thinking of us. I feel bad because I know our experience has resurfaced many emotions for her, but it has helped us so much having someone to go to and ask questions or just to cry because she gets it unlike others.

We have had a few other experiences such as this. I recently joined the Intermountain Healing Hearts organizations. It is specifically for families that have children with CHD. It has been nice to have their support and talk with a few other mothers that have went through similar things. These ladies truly are angels and an inspiration to me. I feel overwhelmed talking with them, and I truly hope I can endure this journey and gain a testimony as strong as they have.

The night Tammy came out to talk with us she told me, "You will experience so many blessings and neat experiences through this." To be honest I thought she was crazy! How could half a heart be a blessing to both us and our lil' Tytan, but sure enough she was right. It is only the beginning and we are already seeing so many blessings and tender mercies. I know the Lord is there, and he isn't making us do this alone.

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