**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cardiology Appt.- Bittersweet News

Well we had our cardiology appointment with Dr. Menon. He was impressed overall with Tytan and how he was doing, besides his growth! He is a tiny little thing! They also did an echo which Tytan was a true champ through. He never made a peep. He seriously is such a good babe. They found out his heart functioning is pretty good besides it is enlarged. That means his heart is working a little too hard. Also, his common valve has quite a bit of regurgitating. That means one thing... IT'S SURGERY TIME :[ Even though he isn't as big as we would hope its time for Surgery #2 so some of the work load of the heart can be taken off. I am scared to death to do the surgery thing, but at the same time I am excited because I hear life is so much easier for both Tytan and us as a family after the Glenn. We will have his pre glenn cath and surgery within the next month! Wish us luck! Can't believe it is already time for this....Pray he continues to do well!

An Overnight Stay in the City

Tytan had his cardiology appointment in Salt Lake at PCMC, so we decided to make a little trip out of it. The appointment was at 7:30 in the morning, so we went up the night before and stayed at the Marriott just down the road from the hospital. Tytan & Az both loved a little break from home. Jord had to work, so once again my amazing parents went with me! I am so grateful for them.

On Monday, we went to his appointment then we took the kids to Wheeler farms. It was SUPER hot, but we had fun! It was nice to take Tytan out and feel "normal" for a day!! Can't wait for many more days like this!

Summer Fun

Even though we haven't been able to get out and do much this Summer, we have still managed to have lots of fun! Tytan loves to be outside. He has been able to spend lots of time outside watching sister play, going for walks, and he even got to go watch his big sister at swimming lessons once! We can't wait until next summer when we can take him to do a little more and show him off to the world. He is too stinkin' keep to keep in hiding for very long!! Wouldn't you agree??

Our 24th of July

Our holidays are pretty limited since we can't take our little man out around many people/germs, but we still manage to have a great time and make memories!! Once again Jord had to work, so it was just me and the kiddos. Our grandparents were the grand marshalls of the Spring City parade, so we rode over there with my parents. Az got out with my parents and Tytan and I watched it from the car.

We went to lunch with my brother and his family then came home! My parents took Azleigh to the park for the town celebration. Tytan and I stayed home and spent some quality time together. I love when I get to just love on him and do nothing else. We watched fireworks from my parents front porch with all the cousins! Tytan loves the fireworks....He never makes a peep!!

Happy 3 Months Baby Tyt!

I can't believe our little man is 3 months old. It seems it has flown by, but at the same time I can't remember what life was without him. I don't remember our life without alarms, weekly doctor appts., stethoscopes, and especially two kiddos. We love everything about this crazy thing called life, especially our newest addition Mr. Tytan. He has done so well and we feel so blessed that he is doing so good. Sometimes he does so good I really forget he is sick until I see the great big scar running down his chest.
At 3 months old Tytan is:
* smiling at anything & everything
* loves to kick in the tub
* loves sleeping with mommy
* loves to eat....he is doing so well!
* still in Newborn clothes and just over 8 lbs.
* is a wonderful sleeper. He only wakes up 1-2 at night just to eat
* is completely off of o2, even at night
* has the biggest blue eyes and blonde hair
* loves to be outside
* loves his big sister and she ADORES him
* IS THE BEST BABY EVER!! Seriously I can't believe for all he has going on that he is so good!

We love you Baby Tyt and so grateful for these past 3 months with you!! Keep being the rockstar you are!

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Best Sister/Helper Ever

Tytan is one lucky boy to have the sister he does. She loves him to pieces and is constantly wanting to love on him. She can't leave him alone for 2 seconds these days. Her new big thing is to "change him" She thinks it is the best thing ever to change his bum :] And Tytan is so calm and patient with her. I am sure he would love a little alone time, but with Az around he gets none. I am so blessed to have two of the most perfect children ever!!