**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy 3 Months Baby Tyt!

I can't believe our little man is 3 months old. It seems it has flown by, but at the same time I can't remember what life was without him. I don't remember our life without alarms, weekly doctor appts., stethoscopes, and especially two kiddos. We love everything about this crazy thing called life, especially our newest addition Mr. Tytan. He has done so well and we feel so blessed that he is doing so good. Sometimes he does so good I really forget he is sick until I see the great big scar running down his chest.
At 3 months old Tytan is:
* smiling at anything & everything
* loves to kick in the tub
* loves sleeping with mommy
* loves to eat....he is doing so well!
* still in Newborn clothes and just over 8 lbs.
* is a wonderful sleeper. He only wakes up 1-2 at night just to eat
* is completely off of o2, even at night
* has the biggest blue eyes and blonde hair
* loves to be outside
* loves his big sister and she ADORES him
* IS THE BEST BABY EVER!! Seriously I can't believe for all he has going on that he is so good!

We love you Baby Tyt and so grateful for these past 3 months with you!! Keep being the rockstar you are!

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