**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Cardiology Appt.- Bittersweet News

Well we had our cardiology appointment with Dr. Menon. He was impressed overall with Tytan and how he was doing, besides his growth! He is a tiny little thing! They also did an echo which Tytan was a true champ through. He never made a peep. He seriously is such a good babe. They found out his heart functioning is pretty good besides it is enlarged. That means his heart is working a little too hard. Also, his common valve has quite a bit of regurgitating. That means one thing... IT'S SURGERY TIME :[ Even though he isn't as big as we would hope its time for Surgery #2 so some of the work load of the heart can be taken off. I am scared to death to do the surgery thing, but at the same time I am excited because I hear life is so much easier for both Tytan and us as a family after the Glenn. We will have his pre glenn cath and surgery within the next month! Wish us luck! Can't believe it is already time for this....Pray he continues to do well!

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