**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Monday, January 20, 2014

Another Bump in the Road

Seriously, anytime I feel like Life is too good to be true the Lord has a way of humbling me and bringing me to my knees real fast. We have never had any major problems with Tytan since we brought him home, but today we experienced one of the scariest things ever. Tytan earned himself a helicopter ride and another sleepover here in the ICU.
Tytan didn't sleep very good from about 4:00 on he was fussy, and I was tired and just praying he'd sleep. Finally at about 6 I decided I'd give up and go sleep with him in the recliner. He was still super restless and fussy. Around 7-730 my mom was burping him and he began to projectile vomit then suddenly turned blue. My heart stopped and I knew I needed to get him hooked up to monitors and oxygen. I hooked him up and couldn't believe what I saw. He o2 sats were in the 60's and his heart rate said 235. I looked at Jordan and said that can't be right. We got oxygen on him and grabbed the stethoscope for Jordan to count his beats. His eyes got big and he said ,"It's right-- It's beating so fast I can't count them" I called PCH and they said to call 911 and get him there ASAP. I called 911 and told them we needed an ambulance right away and life flight waiting so we could get to Primary's. I explained Tytan's condition and told them he could be in failure and it was crucial to get there asap. I will never forget walking back and forth from our room to the front porch. Jord was holding our poor sweet lifeless little boy with fear in his eyes. Tytan was breathing but he wasn't moving much and was blue in color. It took what seemed like forever to get an ambulance here. They finally came and did nothing more but grab him, the car seat, and told me to get in the car. We left and was going 95-100 mph the entire way to Nephi. I was in the front seat and kept pleading with Heavenly Father to not take my baby yet. They didn't say much and I could tell they were scared as well. When we got to Nephi I lost it as I seen Life Flight waiting. I feel to the ground sobbing and again pleaded with the Lord. They let me ride life flight with Tytan and it was the LONGEST 25 minutes of my life. I could tell it was serious when they put the pads on to shock him. I was dreading the moment his heart stopped. At that moment, all the questions flooded my brain, "Will I ever take him home?" "Will his sister ever hold him again?" "Will he ever smile at me again?"
Security met us at the pad and took us directly to ICU instead of ER. What a relief it was to have our team of doctors waiting for us and to throw their arms around a young mother dressed in her jammies scared to death as she watches her little man fight for his life. They immediately swarmed him and started diagnosis. They ran an EKG and realized he was in SVT. They decided to sedate him and try a medicine called Adenisene. This med actually stops the heart for 1-2 seconds and then the heart restarts. So the prep and put in an IV. They do the first dose of Adenisene and NOTHING. So they double the dose and try it again. It works, thankfully. His rate is back to normal and he is in Sinus rhythm.
After life calmed down, they informed us that Tytan not only had an anatomical defect but also an electrical defect called Wolfe- Parkinson- White. It is where he has extra electrical pathways in his heart, so his heart can go into these scary arrhythmia. They will treat him with meds and hopefully we won't have this happen again.
We will be staying in the ICU again until they tell us otherwise. Please keep this little man in your prayers. He is needing them right now. After a few hours of recovery Tyt started to act more like himself. He was starving and gulped it down then threw it all up. So now we are trying it again just a little slower. So grateful this boy is back in my arms.

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