**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Monday, January 20, 2014

Pre-Glenn Cath

Tytan had his pre-glenn Cath on Friday. Things went relatively well with only a few minor hiccups. We got up bright at early and had to leave the house by 5:30. We had to check into surgery by 7 and the procedure was at 8. Our poor little man was absolutely starving because he couldn't eat after 4 AM. He cried and cried and cried. Finally he cried himself to sleep with a warm blanket until we handed him over. Our cath surgeon is Dr. Mary Martin. She seems awesome and did a really great job. The hardest part is handing over the little man. I cry every time and even though I have to do it a million more times in his lifetime I have a feeling it won't get any easier.
We waited about 4 hours for him to get done. Between the Ronald McDonald Family room and the Surgical waiting room we kept ourselves entertained. Finally we got the call he was done and to come to the Cath lab to talk to Dr. Martin. She said things went pretty well. They weren't able to go through his leg so they had to go down through his neck. The good news is he is a perfect candidate for the Glenn. The downer is he has a blood clot in his leg and no pulse in the right side leg, so we earned us a few days in the ICU again.
Our sweet boy had a hard time waking up from Anesthesia. He was grumpy and hungry. They finally let me feed him and cuddle him and he was all better. His hemocrit count was low so they decided to give him a blood transfusion to help with his blood count and oxygen saturation. The blood clot wasn't getting better, so they started him on Lovinox. What does that mean? Lovinox is a blood liner in a shot form, so my sweet boy has to have a shot in the belly every 12 hours :( And who has to give them? This momma. If you ever told me I would be giving my baby shots I would laugh at you. I hate needles. I hate to hurt my baby. But this little boy is teaching his momma that life is tough and we can do hard things. So I guess that means I will put on my big girl panties and give him his shots because after all it is what is best for him, and I want nothing but the very best for him.
We spent 2 days in the ICU and had awesome nurses. They let me sleep with him at night because that is what he is used to doing. We are now home and Tyt is back to his happy little self. And big sister is SOOOO glad to have him home! Thank you for all the prayers and your concern!

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