**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Friday, January 24, 2014

Little Miracles

Even though we feel as our whole entire world has fell apart the past few days, we are witnessing little miracle and tender mercies from our loving Heavenly Father. I know he is there and he is listening. We have so many prayers answered in our behalf over the past few days. Today was a wonderful day for us. We got to see our sweet little boys baby blues. Our sweet lil' boy continues to amaze us!! Last night he woke up & open his eyes for quite awhile when I was talking to him.... It made my entire week He also started some movements in his legs and fingers, actually so much movement that they had to give him more sedation meds. (he can't move much with the life support cannulas in his neck). Today we were scheduled to go back in the OR to get off support but we have hit another bump in the road. His left lung is collapsed AGAIN, worse than it was last night:[ Please pray we can get this lung back up & our sweet boy off life support!! Please keep praying for our lil' man! He is defeating many odds right now because of all the fast & prays in his behalf!

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