**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Friday, January 24, 2014

First Attempt = Unsuccessful

Our Lil' Miracle Boy is still holding on & fighting with all he has! Everyday he amazes us more with his strength! Saturday was an extremely rough day... His left lung & partially his right collapsed on him. He has fluid around both lung, so they put him on a new ventilator and inserted chest tubes. He also started having really bad seizures according to the EEG which means there may be Neurological damage from CPR, but we will not know until he is off life support & stable enough to go down for a MRI. Sunday was a better day for all of us, including Tytan. They were finally able to get his seizures under control with meds and his lungs are started to look a little better. Today is a BIG DAY for our sweet boy! He will be going to the OR later today and try to be weaned down on the ECMO machine (life support). Again, we appreciate all the love, support, and prayers from all of you!! The power of prayer is real, and we are seeing it more than ever before. Please continue to pray for Lil' Tytan & especially a special little prayer today as he goes in for yet another operation!! We are far from being out of the woods and it's a constant rollercoaster for us. No matter what the outcome will be we are in for a long journey but we do know miracles are happening, both big & little!! We love you all and have the best families and friends in the world!! And one last thing for me... Rock those babies just a little longer, hold them a little tighter, and give them another kiss! Time is such a precious things & tomorrow is never promised!! Nothing matters more than your children! I can't wait for the day I get to rock my lil' man again & he isn't hooked to a million machines!

Tytan is back in the OR and the surgeon Dr. Eckhauser just come met with us. To be honest, it was really hard. He doesn't sugar coat anything and doesn't have much hope for Tytan. We appreciate his honesty but it makes reality that much harder hearing the truth. He told us all the risks of getting Tytan off and the chances of him dying in the OR is very real. They won't take Tytan off ECMO unless they are for sure he can thrive because Tytan and his complex anatomy only has once chance on ECMO. Cross your fingers it works so we can start moving in the right direction.

We just spoke with Rusty (the surgeon) and it was unsuccessful. They said within minutes of clamping him off his oxygen saturation dropped down into the 60's. That low wouldn't sustain him, so we will try again tomorrow. He will be going to the Cath Lab to check his conduit and make sure he's receiving sufficient blood flow. If that doesn't work we are running out of options. Please please pray for our boy!

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