**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Tytan is getting closer to coming off the ventilator....Cross your fingers. They are telling me within the next few days. They have also seem to be getting his SVT and arrhythmia issues under control with meds. He hasn't had an episode in over 24 hours, so that is really good for him! My favorite ICU doctor has been promising me almost every day he would let me hold my babe then Tyt would usually throw us a curve ball & I would be unable to.
Well after 26 days I was FINALLY able to hold my baby boy. No one really realizes what this day meant to me. It probably meant more than it did when I held him for the first time. Deep down I was so scared this day would never come again in this life. With all the issues and the reports from doctors, I knew that was a very good chance that my baby boy wouldn't ever snuggle down in my arms again. It wasn't only a special experience for me, but also some of the sweetest doctors and nurses there. That is one thing I can about Primary's and especially the Cardiac unit, they love their patients. They fall in love with their families and come together as one. They have watched us fight for our son's life day after day now for nearly a month. They have watched me lay on my baby's bed and plead for our Heavenly Father to heal him. They've wiped my tears, they've made me laugh, they've insisted on me eating when I was too scared to leave the room, and they've become some of the greatest friends in the world. As they placed my beautiful baby in my arms, I can't even come up with the words to express the happiness my heart was filled with. Sal looked at me and said, "These moments are what make our job worth it!"
Tytan never looked so comfortable as he did in my arms. I think he enjoyed it as much as I did. I can't imagine what he had been thinking going from being held all day and night to not being held for 26 DAYS :[ I will never forget the comments and the looks I received from all of our caretakers, especially Andy Smith. He walked in and the tears fell down his face. He said, wow what a sacred moment! Thank you for letting me be part of it. Other walked by and gave us thumbs up or a "Awesome, It's about time!"
It truly was the best day!! I am so grateful they finally let me hold my little man! We loved it and are looking forward to it again hopefully tomorrow, if not sooner! Sal was kind enough to take this pictures and I am SOOOO glad he did!!

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