**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

He's Listed!!

My nightmare is becoming a reality much sooner than we expected. Today we talked with the medical team and Tyt's heart is pretty whacked both electrically & anatomical :/ He has had more arrhythmia's today than he's had a normal heartbeat :(( They feel the only way for Tytan to have a chance at a semi-normal life is if they get him a new heart. Finding a heart this young chances are slim to none but I have hope and believe there is a little angel baby out there that will give my sweet a second chance to live. We are definitely praying for a miracle.

I knew this day would come but I never imagined it'd be sooo soon. I thought we would make it into childhood/teens before we faced this issue. The hardest part of this is knowing we aren't fixing the problem completely. We are pretty much just exchanging one set of problems for another one, but it is Tytan's only chance. There is A LOT of lifelong problems with transplant. He will be on millions of meds the rest of his life, he will have to spend a lot of time cooped up so he doesn't get germs, he will be in and out of the hospital for multiple tests, etc. It will once again put a whole new strain on our family, but we will do whatever it takes. Financially, we will have to fork out thousands & thousands of dollar that is coming from we have no clue, we will be living in Salt Lake for at least the first year, and many other things.
We don't care about any of that though. We just want our boy and we will do EVERYTHING we have to to keep him here on earth. I pray that if another family has to lose a child they chose to donate. It is so hard to wrap my mind around that either me or another mother will be losing their baby. Sometimes life sooo isn't fair and this is one of those times.

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