**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Good News is ALWAYS short lived :[

Unfortunately good news is ALWAYS short lived around here, and Tytan's little body has ran into another obstacle. Yesterday he made a HUGE step and was able to come off life support. Today our little man has started having SVT episodes AGAIN :[ This is hard for me because surgery didn't even fix this. It fixed absolutely nothing. Really in all reality all it did was cause my baby's heart to stop beating, and my world to come crashing down.
The SVT has come back in full force making his poor little heart race back up to 250 BPM. The Adenosine isn't working so they are having to transesophageal pace him which is absolutely heart breaking. The look on his face, and the tears streaming down his face KILLS me. I just wish I could switch him spots. They thread a probe down his nose and it touches the back of his heart. It shocks him for about 10 seconds and puts him back in rhythm. This has happened multiple times today, so unfortunately the tube has to stay down his nose. Now he has one in each nostril. His right side is his pacer wire and the left side is his feeding tube.
I am trying to be strong but I am exhausted. I am tired of watching my baby go through so much. I am tired of being stared at by every parent/visitor who walks through the ICU because I have the sickest baby and the baby who is hooked up to the most machinery. I am tired of the "I'm sorry" looks that come from every nurse,doctor, social worker, etc. from the ENTIRE hospital because they all know Tytan. It's not cool nor good for your child to be the popular kid in the hospital. It doesn't mean anything good.
I am praying to witness another miracle. Please Heavenly Father heal my baby boy! I need you now more than ever.


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