**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We Can Do Hard Things!

Over the past 5 and a half months this has become my new motto. I never knew I could be so strong and do such hard things in my life. Before now, I "thought" I had hard times, but they are no comparison to what I have experienced here. It has been the hardest thing in my entire life watching my baby hurt, be poked, struggle to do the simplest things such as breathe, open eyes, move, etc. I so badly wish I had a magic wand and make it all better, but I can't. Today has been one of those days. It's only half way over and Tytan has already had to be shocked 3 times. He hates it! It hurts him so bad. It shows. He cries but no noise comes out because of the breathing tube.

Isn't he just so handsome??

As I have watched my baby boy suffer over the past 5 1/2 months I can't help but think of our Heavenly Father and Savior. They did this same thing times infinity. Not only did Jesus Christ suffer and feel every ounce of sadness & hurt for Tytan and I, but he did for the patient next door, the people on the news, every single one of us. He felt every ounce of pain and sorrow each of us have in our entire life. This is so mind boggling to me because I can barely handle my own trial, little lone every one else's. Think of the love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ has for each one of us. This wasn't an easy task, and he didn't have to do it. But they loved us enough they did do it, so each of us could have eternal life. And our Heavenly Father, my heart aches with him. How hard must have it been to watch his only begotten son suffer and know he couldn't help. He couldn't take the pain away. He even had that power but knew it was something that had to happen. I know how it feels to watch your only son suffer. I know what heartache fills your soul when you can't do anything to take away the pain. Through this experience I have learned a greater appreciation for our Savior & Heavenly Father. They love me so much, and even though he has already experience this for themselves and us they are ALWAYS there to help! I have felt them by my side every step of the way.

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