**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Thursday, February 13, 2014

We Believe in Something More!

Since last Friday we have been given "the talk" that we need to realize how sick he is and start making future plans because "he can't get much worse". I know it's their job but seriously I am getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of being told, YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO DIE!! Don't get me wrong I am in no way denial. I am very aware of my lifeless little guy and his condition lying on that bed. I know he is living on a machine right now. The odds, the statistics, and the medical diagnosis for him doesn't look good. They all lead to the same thing... DEATH, but I BELIEVE IN SOMETHING MORE!!
After hearing it from every single doctor, nurse, NP, surgeon, and any other individual with a medical title I finally let them in on my feelings, and my stand as a parent. It is hard because many of these people are absolutely wonderful, but they have different religious views than us. They aren't LDS, and they don't fully understand our beliefs. Today as Dr. Bailly sit down to give me "the talk" for the hundredth time I decided it was time I give him "a different talk". I simply told him that we believe in something more, and we don't believe our little guy's mission is through on earth. As parents we aren't giving up on him and we will fight and fight until he gives us reason to think otherwise. When it is his time to go he will go with or without medical intervention and we will intervene until the very end. Tytan is still fighting and SO ARE WE!
From that little talk I think they got the hint because it wasn't mentioned near as often or at least not near as blunt. Tytan is still fighting. He has started a little more movement which is a HUGE step. Most of his other body functions (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.) Now we just need those sweet little lungs to inflate so he can breathe and his oxygen saturation will be sustainable.
Please continue to pray....We have a LONG LONG road ahead!

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