**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Best Sister/Helper Ever

Tytan is one lucky boy to have the sister he does. She loves him to pieces and is constantly wanting to love on him. She can't leave him alone for 2 seconds these days. Her new big thing is to "change him" She thinks it is the best thing ever to change his bum :] And Tytan is so calm and patient with her. I am sure he would love a little alone time, but with Az around he gets none. I am so blessed to have two of the most perfect children ever!!

An Expensive Weekend @ PCMC

Well our little man gave us our first big scare over the weekend. Tytan has done so well and is such a good baby I freaked a little when he's acting a little offish and the numbers aren't adding up. It was a Friday morning and he seems to be okay except he had a hard time eating. It was like he almost couldn't breathe when he was sucking. So I hooked him up to the monitor and sure enough he would desat every time he ate. It was almost as if he had something in his throat or nose that he couldn't clear, so I tried suctioning him and it worked for a bit but soon enough it was back. So I called up to Primary Children's and asked them what to do. They said to call the pediatrician's office and see if they could do a long nasal suction (basically a long tiny tube that goes down their nose to the back of the throat). It was after hours and our ped wasn't in, so I had to take him to the on call ped. I will just say I was not impressed with him AT ALL. I don't really think he realized just how complex and serious Tytan was. He just pretty much told us to watch him and sent us on our way, so back home from Provo we went.
It was a long long night to say the least. Tytan was off o2 at night, but this night he was requiring oxygen and ALOT of it. His alarm was going off all night long. Jord & I took turns all night holding him and watching him closely. Finally at like 5:00 he started desatting into the 60's, so I called up to Primary's. They told us to get him up there. So bright & early we packed up and went. When we got up there his sats were a bit better. He knew it was serious, so he decided to straighten up. They did a bunch of blood work, echo, tests, etc. to see what was going on. He wasn't himself at all. He didn't want to eat or anything. They were worried about his heart function, but the echo showed things looked pretty good. They finally came to conclusion that his hematicrit (blood) count was low and he test positive for rhinovirus. So we spent the weekend there being monitored. He was so good the whole weekend, and took everything like a champ. Tytan is truly my hero and I hope I have half the strength he does to endure the trials in my life.
While we were up there we got a lot of snuggling in and the chance to visit with my cousin Roger! He is such an amazing guy whom I love very much!! Tytan is now home and feeling much better...back to his happy, tube free, smiling self:] Thanks for all the prayers and concerns!

I can SMILE!!

Since Tyt has learned to SMILE- He doesn't stop! He is seriously the happiest & most perfect little man we could ever ask for. He has the most darling smile and the sweet lil dimple on the right side. The ladies better watch out when he's older because between his big blue eyes, blonde hair, dimple, and smile he will have them all won over before he even speaks.
There is something about this kiddo that makes me completely melt, even more so than with my lil Azleigh. Maybe it's because part of me thought this day would never come and another part of me doesn't know what the future holds, so I cherish every moment & every milestone we meet together! I love seeing Tytan grow and develop! He is doing so so awesome!

Stampede 2013

The Ute Stampede is a big deal here in Nephi, Utah... almost bigger than Christmas if you ask some. I debated taking Az & Tytan where my parents were out of town and Jord was working then decided to take them. Everyone needs a little Ute Stampede in their life ;] The Ute Stampede consists of 3 parades & 3 rodeos, and a carnival each night basically. Of course we didn't do it all, but we did do a few of the festivities. On Thursday, we went to the horse parade. It was just a bunch of horses and raining, so we just watched it from the car. On Friday, it was the big mammoth parade. I wasn't going to get out but they threw candy and Az wanted to play so we did. We all got out....EVEN Tytan! He loved it! Every minute of it! He loved it so much in fact I got the very first picture of him smiling. He has the cutest smile ever :]

On Saturday, we decided to take Az to the carnival so Mr. Tytan got to spend a couple hours with his Granny Linda! Even though we were only gone about 2 hours, I felt lost. My family no longer felt complete. It is amazing how fast that happens when a new baby is born, but it was good for Azleigh to get out and have some one on one time with her parents. Tytan was a good boy for Grandma but so glad to see us- and I was even happier to see him. This little man is the beat to my heart lately!! I live for him!

Happy 4th of July... Tyt's 1st Holiday!!

Tytan had his first holiday today.... the 4th of July! We spent the morning at home playing with the cousins then we went to Nephi and watched fireworks. Daddy was working, so it was just us and Grandpa & Grandma. Tyt was a little angel through the fireworks and never made a peep. He was nice and bundled, and he loved being outside. It was fun to get out of the house for a second! Happy Independence Day!!

Tyt is so very LOVED!

I don't think Heavenly Father could have sent Tytan to a family where he was loved more. Here in this fam, we all think "Baby Tyt" walks on water. Since Tyt has had his 2 month shots we have let the cousins come around and hold him as long as they are healthy. Tytan even had his very first sleepover with his cousins!

A New Normal... Wouldn't trade it for the world!

Tytan has taught me personally and our family so many things, and we will forever be grateful for these things we are learning as a new family. Most of these things people never experience, especially as young as we are. We have definitely had to learn a "new normal". In the beginning I used to think it's not normal to have to insert feeding tubes, thicken your baby's milk, hook him up to monitors every night, go to the doctor 1-2 times a week. But then it hit me... It's not normal for most but it is for us. We wouldn't trade anything for the world. We have learned just how precious time is and to enjoy every single day. Also, a new normal for us in pretty much to stay in a bubble. We are trying real hard to keep Tytan healthy, so we spend much of our time at home playing and cuddling, besides our weekly doctors visit. We are having so much fun. We get absolutely nothing done except lots of snuggling. Tytan gets held 95% of the day and night by either me, his big sis, grandma, or daddy when he is home on the weekends:] We are loving life and so grateful Tytan chose us. We can't imagine life without him & what "normal" used to look like for us. This is now NORMAL!