**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Tytan's Tough & Slightly Terrible 1st Week of Life

I hate saying that the first week of Tyt's life was terrible but it truly was a rough one. Something was going wrong every time I turned around. I couldn't leave his room for 20 minutes before a doctor would call and say this was wrong and they would have to do this. I was so tired of hearing bad new....Seriously emotionally, mentally, & physically exhausted. Pretty sure I got about 5-10 total of sleep the ENTIRE week and no it wasn't good sleep either:[
Saturday- The day he was born he stopped breathing twice and they had to revive him. He was also really struggling breathing so they had to put him on a Cpap machine to help his breathing & lungs.
Monday- I was getting released from the U on Monday morning. I had left Tytan late Sunday night and he wasn't doing wonderful but he was stable. I woke up to a call Monday morning saying Tytan was losing a lot of blood somewhere and would need a blood transfusion. They thought he was bleeding on the brain:( no exactly what a mom wants to hear, so I rushed the discharge up as fast as I could and headed to the U to sign consent for my lil man to have his first blood transfusion at 2 days old:(( They did a million tests & scans and found out it wasn't his brain bleeding. It was our antibodies fighting against each other causing him to lose blood & it'd work itself out over time.
Tuesday- Another bad day... The routine X-ray of his lungs showed that he had pneumonia so they started him on antibiotics for that. If it didn't clear up by Thursday then he wouldn't be able to into open heart surgery.
Wednesday- He had fought so hard trying to breathe since he was born and he was finally starting to give up:( They felt the best thing at this point was to intubate him which meant putting him on the ventilator. It is a machine that basically breathes for you and keeps you alive. This was extremely tough for me because my mindset was thinking it was all over. :( I didn't know if he'd recover. It also was hard because it meant no holding and I had never held my baby boy :( and they would have to sedate him which meant he pretty much just laid there and couldn't even make a noise because the ventilator tube went between his vocal cords:(( it was awful watching him cry because you couldn't hear him but you could see it in his face and his eyes would water... Worst thing ever!!

Thursday was a better day and Friday he went in one of the most complex heart surgeries anyone can undergo, posts on these soon!! For now.... Here are a few pics of the first week!!

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