**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Surgery Day- Norwood

This was the day we were all waiting for, the day we were dreading, the day we couldn't wait to have over. We spent most of the entire night next to our lil man talking to him, kissing him, and letting him know how much we needed him. We finally left his bedside around 2 in the morning and went down the hall to one of the sleep rooms. The sleep rooms are an experience in and of themselves. They are a lil room about the size of a closet with nothing but a plug and a twin bed in it....ha ha It was the longest night of my life. Even though I was in there for a total of 3-4 hours I just kept dreaming, kept waking up, kept thinking of all the what ifs:( Finally I got up at about 5 and got ready for our big day. It was bittersweet! In a way I was excited because I knew this was one step closer to helping our lil man. He would eventually feel better because of this. But at the same time I was terrified because this may be our last day on earth with our lil man. The surgery is intense. It's rough and there is no 100% guarantee that your baby will come out of surgery. We heard these words and the risks many many times. I signed so many consent forms that morning that I truly thought I was signing my life away in a few of them. I heard so many risks and complications that morning that I wanted to puke. I know it's their job but I just wanted to yell, I don't care about the risks. Just do it! He needs it and there is no way of surviving without it.
We got to his room just before six and he was scheduled to go in at 7:30. The doctors and nurses both agreed that we needed to hold him since we hadn't and the chances of him not making it out of surgery. So we got to snuggled our precious lil man for the first time ever. I never wanted to let go of him. I just wanted to stay there forever. It was the fastest hour or so of my life, and before I knew it the team was coming in to get him. I laid him back in his bed wondering if that was going to be my first and last time holding my son. It hit me right then that this was it. This was the moment our life would be changing, for better or for worse, even more than it already had in the last week. We would have to wait 8 LONG hours to know though just how life would be changing. We followed his sweet lil bed into the OR and they told us it was time to say our goodbyes.The tears fell as we kissed him and kissed him then watch him wheel down the hall with our lil man.
It was seriously the longest 8 hours of our lives. We had a little pager and would receive updates every few hours from the OR team. Thank heavens my parents brought Az up for breakfast, so our lil ray of sunshine made a couple hours pass a lil faster. As we sat in the OR waiting room, it seemed like everyone else was in and out. We were one of the first ones there and about the last to leave. Finally around 2:30ish we received a calling saying he was out, his heart was beating again, and the doctor would be out to talk to us shortly!!
When I seen Dr. Eckhauser, I seriously just wanted to run up and kiss him. It may sound crazy but I love this man. I love this man for one reason and one reason only....He saved my boys life. He gave him just a little bit longer to leave. He gave us more time with our tough lil Tytan and for that I will forever be grateful to him!!
I couldn't wait to get my hands on our little guy. Of course to see him after surgery was one of the hardest moments of my life. He looks horrible and so painful. He was hooked to soooo many tubes that it was hard to find a spot on his body to kiss or touch.

I never in a million years imagined that Jordan and I would be going through this, little lone our precious new baby! It was a long, emotional, and exhausting day but we survived. One surgery down....Many more to go!! We are so grateful to all of our family and friends for the love, prayers, and support!! Mostly, we are so grateful to our loving Heavenly Father who trusted us with this lil man and provided a way for us to watch him learn and grow. We know this journey isn't going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!! It is only the beginning and we have lots to go through, but with God nothing is impossible!! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger right? We are sooooo thankful that Tytan is in our life and chose us to be his parents!!

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