**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy 1 Month!!

I can't believe it's already been a month since our lil miracle boy has entered the world and into our family. It seems like he was just born yesterday, but at the same time it seems like he has been with us FOREVER!! It has been a month I will never forget but a month I never want to relive either. It been a exciting exhausting, emotional roller coaster of a month. At times I wonder how we made it through, but I am so glad we did!! Many times throughout this past month I have wondered how long our little man would be with us! To be honest, I was scared to death he wouldn't survive the 1st surgery, but he did and we are so glad! In the past month he has proved to us what a fighter and special little guy he is. He has been through more in 1 month than most experience in a lifetime! It has been a hard first month because its been everything but "normal" for both Tytan and us. But we have passed some of the biggest hurdles and are so glad to be where we are. After almost a month in the hospital, we are finally home and FINALLY able to do the mommy/baby things. I am finally able to bath him, change him, love on him, etc. It is SOOO MUCH FUN!! We love our lil man and are so so proud of him!! At 1 Month Old:
He is about 5 and 1/2 pounds!
He is wearing preemie clothes & diapers
He is on a feeding tube that continuously drips at 18 drips an hour.
He is on oxygen full time & his heart monitors!
He hates to be naked!
He LOVES bath time, and has from the very beginning!
He is the best baby...hardly ever cries!
He only gets up about every 3 hours and since he can't eat orally yet we just rock him and put him back to sleep! He sleeps really well!
He LOVES to be cuddle!!
He loves to sleep with his mommy, yes I didn't learn the first time!! (poor Jordan)
He loves to be swaddled!
He is very loved, especially by his sister!!

He is seriously the best baby and we are so grateful for him! I thank the Lord every day for sending us such a strong choice spirit. He has already accomplished so much in his life and we can't wait to continue watching him grow! He's going to do great things!

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