**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Friday, November 22, 2013

Our First Week At Home.... Finding A New Normal!

Our first week at home was exciting, scary, frustrating, and stressful all at the same time. I probably got a total of 3 hours of sleep all week and no not because he didn't sleep but because I was so scared to fall asleep and something happen. It was hard adjusting to bathing him with o2 and a feeding tube, changing clothes with tubes and monitors, and so on. I felt like all I did was give meds, pump, change bums, and change the feeding bag every time it beeped. It was a busy busy week!
He handled the change very well. He was on a continuous feed with his tube, so he would get a drip of milk all day long, so he usually slept pretty good!! He is an exceptional baby and very seldom cries unless he doesn't have clothes on. He hates to be naked. He loves to snuggle!!

Baby A loves loves having him home. It is hard to keep her away from him and teach her she can't pull out the tubes or play with his oxygen. She loves her "Tyt" and can't kiss him enough. It has been so great being home and I can't believe I have 2 kids. It feels so surreal! I love watching Azleigh with him and seeing the bond they already share. I look forward to watching them learn and grow together. I am so lucky to have one of each!! They seriously couldn't be anymore perfect!! I love my babies, my hot husband, and my crazy life right now!! It isn't easy and its extremely scary but we are taking one day at a time and enjoying every moment we get together!!

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