**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Saturday, May 24, 2014

8 Months Old

I have a love/hate relationship with the 20th of each month. In our family it represents two things: 8 months ago today, our life was made complete when the most perfect boy entered our family and 2 months ago our life was shattered and our hearts were broken into a million lil pieces when they Lord took that perfect little boy to live with him again. I can't help but wonder what Tytan would be doing at this very moment? Would he be crawling or sitting yet? What kinds of baby foods would he like? Would he be making noises and words? Would he finally start to put weight on? The questions go on and on and unfortunately I will never know those answers one day, but I do I am the mommy to one of the most valiant & chosen spirits in the entire universe who has a role in Heaven that we as humans can't even comprehend. He is doing far more important work than he ever could here on earth. What a privilege that he chose me. I thank him for giving me that opportunity. As badly as it hurts and as much as I hate to see another month pass it does mean one good thing.... I am one month closer to holding my precious baby boy & kissing those soft lips again! I CAN'T WAIT! Happy 8 Months Baby Boy! We love you. We miss you. We feel you often.

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