**Our LiL' Miracle Boy**

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Patience Are Being Test- More Prayers!

What a rough week we've had.... Tytan has had a remarkable recovery from a cardiac & respiratory standpoint, but his poor lil brain has taken a extremely ugly, horrific, nightmare of a hit! Most of his brain on both sides is damage:(( We were told yesterday at his care conference yesterday he will more than likely never walk, talk, see, eat by mouth, and will struggle cognitively very much so:( I am completely devastated & feel in a way I've already lost my boy. We will be spending at least the next month in the hospital to see if he has any improvements neurologically then cardiology will decide if he is still a candidate for the next operation. We have hope he is better than they expect him to be. It all comes down to our perfect little angel has passed his test in 5 short months and his time on this earth will be short, just not sure how short. I am already looking forward to the day when I meet my baby boy "whole" in heaven instead of with all these trials and tribulations. For now, we will be working hard in therapy and enjoying LOTS of snuggles!

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